Science Diet Feline Cat Food (the dry kind)
accurate electronic gram scales for weighing animals
clean cardboard animal carriers
new, clear fiberglass screening material
Vita-light bulbs to provide full-spectrum light for birds
photocopy paper for progress notes
walnuts, in the shell, for the squirrel team
thermometers (to check on temp of duck brooders)
litter boxes (aka swimming pools for ducklings)
fresh garden vegetables (please call for information first)
paper towels, unscented toilet paper, unscented facial tissue
hairdresser's rolling cart with shelves and bins (please call first)
terra cotta pot saucers
large and small plastic bowls
heat lamps
Membership includes our quarterly newsletter, reduced class registration fees, and the satisfaction of aiding wildlife in distress by supporting WRI's efforts. Wildlife Rescue is a tax-deductible non-profit organization.
Volunteer Circle (volunteers only) | $25.00 |
Basic | $35.00 |
Associate | $50.00 |
Contributing | $100.00 |
Sustaining | $250.00 |
Sponsor | $500.00 |
Patron | $1,000.00 |
Gold Circle | $5,000.00 |
Corporate | $10,000.00 |
Other (any amount welcome) | _______ |
Please make your cheque payable to Wildlife Rescue, Inc. and mail to:
4000 Middlefield Road - Building V
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Copyright © 1996-2001 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
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