Links for Wildlife

Links for Wildlife

There are many organizations and groups dedicated to helping wildlife. Here are some that we know about. If you have a link that you think should be on here, please send email to the webmaster as shown below.

Government Agencies

The US Fish and Wildlife Service
The California Department of Fish and Game
The UC Natural Reserve System

Rehabilitation Member Organizations and Information

IWRC - International Wildlife Rehabilitators Council
NWRA - National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association


The Wildlife Rehabilitation Information Directory
The California Council of Wildlife Rehabilitators
The National Wildlife Federation
The Wildlife Conservation Society
American Bird Conservancy
Web Directory
National Wildlife Health Center
Windstar Wildlife Institute

Animal Specific Sites

Bat Conservation International
The Skunk and Opossum Website
The Opossum Society of the US
Herpmed's Index Page

Other California Facilities

Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley
Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Suisun Wildlife Center
Shasta Wildlife Rescue
Wildcare in San Rafael
Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue
Pacific Wildlife Project in Southern California
Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center
Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center of Orange County

And in the rest of the world

Wildnet Africa


Willana Lifescience CatAlert
List of Wildlife related websites

Bird line image
Copyright © 1996-2001 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
Send Email comments or inquiries to: