What's New at Wildlife Rescue


Calendar of Events

April 30, 200012:00 to 4:00 - Earth Day Celebration
Join us at the Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto. Call for more details.

Ongoing - see our schedule of advanced training classes for more information

February 15, 2000 7:30pm to 9:00pm - New Volunteer Orientation
March 7, 2000 7:30pm to 9:00pm - New Volunteer Orientation
April 5, 2000 7:30pm to 9:00pm - New Volunteer Orientation
Come and find out how you can help. Attend our orientation to see exactly what we do and how your skills can help. Can't make any of these dates? Just give our Volunteer Coordinator, Genna, a call at (650)494-7417 and discuss some options!


In the News

New CatAlert Collar available from UK - see http://www.willana-lifesciences.co.uk/
Wildlife Rescue has no experience with this collar and can not support or endorse it's use. We are providing this as information only to our members.

Read about Wildlife Rescue in the


Bird line image
Copyright © 1996-2000 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
Send Email comments or inquiries to:
Last updated: 21 April 2000