New Location for WRI?

By Valerie Baldwin
Wildlife Rescue has been at its current location, Cubberley Community Center, for about 20 years. The school district, as owner of the facility, has maintained the option to convert the location back into a high school, leaving us constantly concerned about our future here.

Our current building is located in a section of the campus that may be swapped to the City from the school district as part a proposal for returning the Terman middle school campus to the district and moving the Jewish Community Center to a new location. If approved, we should be able to stay through 2004, when the City will make final plans for the land.

If our building becomes City property, we may ask if it can be enlarged, but we are still actively looking for another location. City officials have unofficially proposed several locations with only tentative availability in the far future.

If any of you have any solid leads for a place for us, please let me know, at [email protected], and we shall pursue them.

Backyard Aviary Gets a Much Needed Face Lift

The sand was dirty, the roof tiles were blowing all over the yard, the plywood was rotted and raccoons had pried up the hardware cloth intended to keep the critters out. The raptor aviary (approximately 16' x 30' x 8', intended for birds of prey) in Valerie Baldwin's backyard was 10 years old and needed a face lift. To the rescue came the Los Altos Cadets and Senior Girl Scout troop #321 of Los Altos ably headed by Kerisa Tange. She organized a weekend of three shifts per day of girls, moms and dads who put in more than 80 hours of work breathing new life into the aviary. Over 500 broadwing hawks, owls, falcons and acceptors have honed their flight muscles and hunting skills in the aviary and now it's ready for another 500. Thanks, Kerisa, to you and your great crew!

Giving Stock to WRI

Giving appreciated stock to Wildlife Rescue is easy and rewarding. You will not have to pay capital gains on the stock's appreciation but you will receive an itemized income tax charitable deduction for the full fair-market value of the stock on the date of the gift. Your donated stock will be sold by WRI and used to care for injured and orphaned wildlife.

Please let us know when you have stock you would like to donate. We use Charles Schwab brokerage. If you own the certificates, please call Schwab at 1-800-435-4000. If your stock is held by your broker, please instruct your broker to transfer the stock to 9404-3036 Tax Payer ID#51-0187649.

Wish List 2001

*Please contact WRI staff at (650) 494-SAVE prior to donating any of these items.

We Save the Birds
Copyright © 2022 Wildlife Rescue, Inc.
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