by Nancy Rubin
Some of the more memorable animals to come through our doors in the second quarter of 1996 were:
- A road-killed mother opossum with nine healthy babies in her pouch.
- A fledgling Red-tailed Hawk, down on a school playground.
- An adult Mourning Dove, found in the aviary at the San Francisco Zoo. No one knows how long it had lived there.
- An adult mallard duck that had been mauled by a raccoon.
- A nest of baby bushtits, cut down by a curious child.
- An adult Alligator Lizard-covered with ticks. Ick!
- A single baby duckling that had just walked into a store in downtown Palo Alto.

- A severely dehydrated and emaciated gopher snake.
- Six baby mallard ducks, stuck in a storm drain with no mom in sight.
- Two juvenile opossums-one found in a laundry tub, the other in the sink of a restaurant.
- Nine fledgling pigeons rescued from the street under the overpass on Oregon Expressway in Palo Alto.
- A baby barn owl found in a bale of hay.
- A slightly concussed-and confused-7-week-old Eastern Gray Squirrel that had climbed up the pant leg of a very surprised Los Altos man.

Copyright © 1996 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
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