by Nancy Rubin
- A yellow-rumped Warbler, hit by a car on a Monday, released on Tuesday!
- 12 Cedar Waxwings that all hit a window together.
- An adult Red-tailed Hawk that flew right into the cab of a pickup truck driving down Alma Street in Palo Alto. The driver of the truck, William Rudolph Koelsch of Livermore, was kind enough to bring the seriously injured bird to Wildlife Rescue before he made his own trip to the emergency clinic.

- A fledgling California Thrasher -- found very much out-of-season in late November.
- Several juvenile Eastern Gray Squirrels that fell out of trees in late November and early December. (That time of year is when adult squirrels chase youngsters out of their territories, often causing those kinds of falls.)
- Several unusual species rarely seen in our shelter, including a Hutton's Vireo, a Common Poorwill, a Lincoln's Sparrow, a Red-breasted Nuthatch, and a Rufous-sided Towhee.
- GULLS! Western Gulls, California Gulls, Herring Gulls, Ring-billed Gulls, and Heerman's Gulls.

Copyright © 1997 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
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