by Nancy Rubin
There's never a dull moment around our shelter. Among the many animals we treated and released this summer were:
- A Scrub Jay caught in a cat collar-that was still on the cat (yikes!)
- Two Eastern Gray Squirrels, one who fell from a power line and another who'd been trapped in a wading pool by a ferocious kitten
- A California Quail that flew into the grille of a volunteer's car
- A Sparrow with his head caught in the bars of a lawn chair

And when we say summer is our busiest season, we mean it! Take a look at a few of the animals we've cared for these last couple of months:
- 223 Mourning Doves
- 186 Eastern Gray Squirrels
- 51 Mallards
- 46 American Robins
- 9 Cowbirds
- 2 Thrashers
- 2 Cormorants
- 1 Snowy Egret
- 1 Great Egret
- 1 Sandpiper
- 1 Hairy Woodpecker

Copyright © 1997 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
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