by Nancy Rubin
The fall and winter months are not as hectic as spring and summer at the shelter, but we still manage to keep busy. The following animals -- mostly feathered friends -- were guests at Wildlife Rescue from October through mid-January:
- A Red-Throated Loon grounded in a soccer field was treated and released the next day
- A Mallard with a rubber band around his neck -- fortunately not injured
- A Burrowing Owl that apparently mistook a hole for a burrow and got stuck -- it was released three days later
- Two Goldfinches in trouble at Cubberley Community Center were treated and released

- A Cooper's Hawk who found his way into Long's Drug Store in Mountain View
- Our first baby Hummingbird of the season arrived in December
- Several male Anna's Hummingbirds who knocked themselves out doing the annual mating dance
- Warblers, Waxwings, Thrushes, Towhees, and a Sharp-shinned Hawk, all of whom crashed into windows
- And a special non-feathered guest: an Opossum who got on the wrong side of someone's dog

Copyright © 1998 Wildlife Rescue, Inc. -- Illustrations © Deborah Melmon
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