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Species Taken In

Here is a snapshot of the numbers and types of animals that Wildlife Rescue has received over the last two years.

For 2004

Squirrels 386
Doves and Pigeons 332
Sparrows and Finches 323
Water/Shore/Seabirds 257
Jays and Crows 121
Opossums 89
Hummingbirds and Swifts 78
Towhees/Juncoes 76
Other Mammals 69
Robins and Thrushes 69
Birds of Prey 67
Mockingbirds and Thrashers 33
Titmice and Chickadees 32
Swallows 29
Wrens 27
Cowbirds/Blackbirds/Orioles 24
Starlings 19
Bushtits 17
Rabbits and Hares 12
Cedar Waxwings 12
Phoebes and Flycatchers 12
Reptiles and Amphibians 10
Quail 10
Warblers /Kinglets 9
Woodpeckers and Sapsuckers 8
Other Birds 6
Raccoons 3
Total Animals Received 2004 2130

For 2003

Squirrels 444
Doves and Pigeons 336
Sparrows and Finches 306
Water/Shore/Seabirds 265
Jays and Crows 96
Other Mammals 91
Hummingbirds and Swifts 90
Towhees/Juncoes 82
Opossums 81
Robins and Thrushes 67
Birds of Prey 47
Swallows 39
Mockingbirds and Thrashers 39
Titmice and Chickadees 31
Cowbirds/Blackbirds/Orioles 29
Rabbits and Hares 26
Cedar Waxwings 20
Wrens 19
Other Birds 19
Reptiles and Amphibians 18
Starlings 17
Bushtits 16
Phoebes and Flycatchers 16
Woodpeckers and Sapsuckers 11
Quail 11
Raccoons 9
Warblers/Kinglets 7
Total Animals Received 2232


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